💸The Savvy Seller's Guide

Set your NFTs free to find a new home

Before you start selling, please make sure that your NFTs belong to you(🤦‍♂️) and you have permission to list in the marketplace by already belonging to one of the supported collections. You can find a list of supported collections here. If your NFTs are not in a supported collection, you can request to have them added.

The Basics

Once you have connected your wallet and made sure that your NFTs are supported, you can sell them in two ways:

  1. Sell them on the marketplace: This is the simplest way to sell your NFTs. Simply list your NFTs for sale and wait for someone to buy them.

  2. Create an auction: This is a more exciting way to sell your NFTs. You can set a starting price and a duration for your auction. The highest bidder at the end of the auction will win the NFT.

So what are you waiting for? Start selling your NFTs today!

Last updated